September 30, 2014

Finding Comfort in Hopelessness

Hopelessness is a relative term. What many see as hopeless, others see as opportunity. What you have to keep in mind is that while your past is carved in stone, your future is not. This means that if you choose to let your hopeless past set the direction for your future, then that is what will happen. Your future will continue to be hopeless. However, if you choose to use your hopeless past as a foundation for a better future, then that will happen too. You will achieve the type of resounding success achieved only by those who understood the roots of failure. Unfortunately, only you can set the direction to your future. You just have to decide whether you want to use a hopeless past as the destination for your future or as an opportunity to conquer the type of success you thought was unattainable.

I would like to leave you with a quote by Deepak Chopra. Hopefully it will help you understand the difference between living in the past and living in the future.

“Most people fear the unknown when they should fear the known. To live in the known is to live in the prison of the past and therefore in the imagination. The known is an illusion. The real reality is the unknown, so why not live in what is actually real?

When we step into the unknown we are free of the past. When we step into the unknown we are free of every limitation because fresh choices are available in every moment of our existence.”

Deepak Chopra