July 29, 2014

Happiness Is All That

Abraham Lincoln once said “most folks are as happy as they make their minds to be.” Charles Spurgeon said, “ it is not how much we have but how much we enjoy what makes happiness.” Those quotes explain how someone that seems to have so much can feel unhappy, depressed, or suicidal. No one and nothing can make you happy even if you are convinced that someone or something, like great wealth, could. If you feel that being in the company of someone could make you happy, the truth is that if you are an unhappy person, you can make those, who get to care about you, unhappy as well. They will care about your feelings and in the process they may feel exhausted trying to help you achieve what in your mind happiness is, but if you fail to make your mind to be happy, their efforts will be fruitless.

On the other hand, if you think that becoming wealthy will open the doors to a happy life, the truth is that if you do not appreciate yourself for what you are or who you are wealth is not going to change that. If that doesn’t change it could be challenging to achieve happiness. In fact you may find yourself longing for the company of others. No one will really think that you can be unhappy if you have achieved great wealth and since they are not part of that wealth, they may abandon you. Thus, before you achieve great wealth or get to be in the company of someone that means a great deal to you, consider making your mind to be happy and learn to appreciate who you are and what you have. Only then will you be able to experience true happiness.