July 15, 2014

A Better Approach to Those Negative Thoughts

I hope that you at least tried to have a positive attitude this past week. When you look at your world in a positive way you experience less stress. A stress free life brings many health benefits and helps you avoid major depression.

Stress can really affect your heart. By living a life that is relaxing and full of optimism has been shown to decrease the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Your immune system will also stay stronger. When you are under a lot of stress you will experience an increase in hormones that can suppress your immune system. If your immune system is suppressed you can’t fight diseases and other illnesses very well.

By staying positive in the face of adversity, you will also take care of yourself better. You will not skip meals and you will not find yourself staying awake all night dwelling on your problems. You will be health conscious in your daily activities and you will also experience more resolve in dealing with problems whether financial or personal. As such you will look at your options with much more clarity and will not give up hope as you will feel more comfortable asking for help objectively. By this I mean that you will figure out your best options and seek the right help to pursue them rather than seeking help in a hopeless manner where you want others to solve your problems.

However, keep in mind that positive thinking has to do with having a state of mind where you truly believe in your abilities to succeed or face adversity. It is not a state of mind where you live in denial. If your world if falling apart, by denying it, it is not going to make it vanish. Instead, it will precipitate the unfortunate events that will make it occur sooner than later. A positive attitude means that you will acknowledge the problems and you will accept the challenge to solve them, by truly believing in your skills to do so.