May 19, 2015

Peace of Mind

Happiness is a state of mind. To achieve it, you must experience satisfaction. To experience satisfaction, you must experience peace of mind. You can be rich or poor or be diagnosed with a terminal disease and as long as you have peace of mind, you may experience satisfaction and you can feel happy.

On the other hand, you can have immense power with immense wealth, be extremely popular, and be very healthy but if you lack peace of mind, you won’t feel satisfied and you won’t be happy.

However, what does it take to experience peace of mind? I doesn’t take much but it can take a great deal of courage. To achieve it, you must feel proud and love who you are and what you have become. For some this may seem an easy task and if you are one of them, chances are that overall you are happy. For others, finding a way to experience that sense of pride is a never ending struggle and for them experiencing peace of mind may seem unattainable.

However, only you have the power to accept and to love yourself for who you are. As such, the power to experience peace of mind lies within you. Do some soul searching and spend the bulk of your time getting to know yourself rather than trying to run away from yourself. Find reasons to understand and accept yourself and you may just achieve peace of mind.