January 28, 2014

Living Today Like It Will Be Your Last

Sometimes we hear motivational speakers say, “Live today like it is the first day of the rest of your life! “ However, I prefer the opposite version of that. Live today like it is your last. Just imagine what you would do if you knew that today it will be your last. How many things that you had put off wouldn’t you do today if it was your last? How many risks wouldn’t you take today or how many people wouldn’t you forgive today if it was your last? How rich will your life have been if when your day became your last you had taken every possible risk you had set out to take?

We often forget how short life can be. We postpone our goals as if tomorrow was certain. We forget that we are more likely to be remembered by the things we did than for what we didn’t do. We seldom see life as an adventure worth living and experiencing. If we see life as an adventure and we live each day as if it was our last, by the end of each day we would have good story to tell and by the time our day became our last, we would have lived a great story.