January 7, 2014

Learn to Code, Create a Webpage, and Express Yourself!

Just like you can write your way out of your “blue days” you can also do it by expressing yourself with art. However, if you are not an artist, you can create a webpage and use graphics that are available for free and create a webpage to express yourself. I challenge you to try it. There are websites that teach you basic coding for free, like codeacademy.com . You can also code in notepad, which is also free. Despite of how difficult you think this would be, it is not. Websites like Codeacademy.com teach you step by step how to create a nice webpage.

To display graphics in a simple page in the website is not complicated at all and may take you about a month if you put two hours a day learning the code. You can choose not to publish it on the web and only look at it in your laptop, if you want to keep it private. However, if you like your creation, you can publish it for the world to see. You can even create a bulletin board type of webpage where you can post memos on a daily or weekly basis or you can blog if you choose to. However, don’t do it hoping that millions are going to look at it. Artists don’t create paintings hoping that millions of people will want to see their work. They just do it to express themselves even if no one looks at their art. Many paint to enjoy their creation privately. That is the approach to take when building a webpage. Do it just to express yourself.

There are numerous sites where you can publish your webpage. I personally use FatCow.com and I have to disclose that I am affiliated with this website but this is not the only website you can use. I just started using this one once I was ready to publish my webpage because I was offered a good deal. To get a good deal, just sign up but do not make a payment. If you do that you will then receive an email offering you a real bargain.

I personally like having a webpage over using social media sites to express myself because you can keep any feedback that you receive private. It is not like in social media where someone writes a nasty vicious comment about you and then you find that over one hundred other people support that person’s view about you, and by now the whole world knows about it. Because of that, you may eventually begin to believe the comments yourself, especially if you are having a blue day, even when you should not allow any one person define who you are. By creating your own webpage, you can take control and you can block vicious users from attacking you with their comments.

You should take on this challenge because by creating your webpage you conquer one more challenge in your life and you find another way to reroute all that negative energy that you might be experiencing in the form of digital art.